Tuesday, January 7, 2014

2014: Happy New Year

WOW! 2014 - I feel old!
It has officially been 10 years since I graduated high school!
Ya....flippin' OLD!!

Been on hiatus lately because of the holidays and my boutique!
LOVING all the new shopping apps to buy/sell gorgeous crap that I don't need! HA!
2013 went so fast for me! This year I am going to take the time to make memories that I will look back on in 2015 and think "wow, 2014 felt like forever!" Sounds good to me!

Excited for the new year and new plans coming my way!

This year I am moving!! AGAIN!!!
I tried the small town, nothing around, kinda life - not for me!
Granted, I am moving to a small town BUT in Nevada - near Tahoe!!!
Family is near, seems like the people are legit - so done with this place LOL

Dang....one of my "resolutions" is to be positive!
Ok...doing that....starting now! :)

So what are some of your resolutions?

Mine are:
1. Stay positive.
2. Not be so angry/anxious over simple things!
3. Connect more with family.
4. Move more!!!

Well, here's to 2014 being an awesome year for all of you!


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